Alaodoleh Semnani Education Institute Of Semnan



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About Allaodoleh Semnani

Roknoddin Abolmakarem Ahmad, the son of Mohamed, renowned as Allaodoleh Semnani is one of the great sages and theosophists of Iran. He was born in 659 AH in Biabanak, small city in Semnan province, Iran. He lived simultaneous with outstanding scientists such as Khwaja Rashid al-Din Fazlollah Hamedani, Khwaja Nasir Tousi, Allameh-Helli, Sheikh Safiudin Ardebili and Khwaju Kermani and communicated with them. He learned Quran, cabala, jurisprudence, and poetry delicacies from scholars of the time. He has also been active in physical sciences. Pool irrigation practice in Semnan today, with its local customary laws is a sophisticated method of traditional irrigation system in Iran that has been attributed to him.
Khwaju Kermani, the famous poet and contemporary to the Hafez was a disciple to the Allaodoleh and was his principle follower, since he spent years in the Sufi Abad (Semnan) collecting Allaodoleh poetries and enjoyed comprehending them. He then wrote the following quatrain in the honor of the Sheikh:
One who followed Ala's way, achieved the top source of humanity, just as Khizr.
He managed to escape Satan's temptations and plunders and became like Allaodoleh Semnani.
Sheikh Allaodoleh was a magnanimous man who never missed out the circle of virtue and piety in which he steadily lived during his scoot short life. He was generous as he dedicated all his wealth and belongings to the poor. He was transitive, sustainable and durable against world events. His mystical lessons were constant inspirations and his fruitful style of living was an adhering example to many of his loyal followers. Allaodoleh Semnani's publications number over 300, few of which are the following: self-revelations, privacy customs, frenetic cases, Astrology of Quran, and garden anemone.
His tomb is located at Sufi Abad, twelve kilometers southwest of Semnan city. It is hoped that students of this higher education Institute, named after him, inspired by the thoughts of that man are more successful and confirmed to make efforts to create prosperity and welfare in our country.